
Website Strategy / UI+UX

Camino is a non-profit based in North Carolina, USA. Through their fund raising and community initiatives they support the Latino community with a wide-range of services including health care, education, faith, and social mobility.

Simple Journeys

The Camino website surfaces an encyclopaedic level of content, resources, and information for the Latino community in Charlotte, and we needed to ensure we made the user journeys across the site as simple as possible. Starting with a rework of the site architecture, we built a comprehensive design system that allowed us to guide users throughout the site with clear signposting, content labelling, and external links to their various departments.

Sitemap architecture. User flows. Content planning. Design system. Bilingual considerations.

Perceptions + Impact

We wanted to elevate the outward perception of Camino from a traditional non-profit organisation to one that was leading the charge of improving the lives and opportunities of the Latino community in the face of an adverse political climate. It was more important than ever to ensure their work gets the visibility it deserves, and their community has access to the wealth of support on offer.

A Modern UI

Key to this was a comprehensive website that shouted about each and every department at the heart of Camino, and presented an optimistic and modern look at what life in North Carolina can become for the Latino Community. We designed a full suite of reusable components and assets in a style fit for 2023, that would see the organisation able to scale their website as their initiatives grow and expand.

We greatly appreciate your effort on the site design and want to thank you all on behalf of Camino. It was high caliber work and looked like you cared about what we do. It’s been a pleasure working with you; the new website will significantly impact our organization for the better.

— Gerald Wheaton, Camino


Yard B


Aphasia Support